Department of Information Technology Security


General information

Term project is the final stage of studying the discipline, and at the same time the first independent step of the student to solve a separate task, from setting the task to evaluating the effectiveness and making recommendations for application.

The purpose of term project is:

  • systematization, consolidation and expansion of theoretical and practical knowledge of the discipline, their application in solving specific problems;
  • development and consolidation of skills of independent work and mastering of the techniques connected with performance of production functions and typical tasks of activity;
  • mastering the methods of substantiation of scientific and technical decisions taking into account economic, technical requirements, as well as the requirements of certain components of the system of ensuring the safety of life and human activity;
  • development of skills of analysis, evaluation and application of modern methods and tools of design;
  • mastering rational methods of search and analysis of domestic and foreign scientific and technical information, including patent;
  • mastering modern information technologies and methods of ensuring their information and cyber security;
  • mastering the methods of thematic and certification tests of systems and media.